csa: supporting memberships
Enjoy the weekly summer season newsletter by e-mail each week, as well as invitations to all our events throughout the year. A great way to experience the farm & extend your support to a local organic farm/CSA even if you have your own bountiful garden. We suggest a $30 or more contribution for supporting membership. Also makes a great gift!
More than Just Good Food! The CSA experience is about much more than good food. Know that you are offering vital core support to our farm & in return receive not only the harvest, but much more:
More than Just Good Food! The CSA experience is about much more than good food. Know that you are offering vital core support to our farm & in return receive not only the harvest, but much more:
- For supporting members pledging $30 or more & full CSA members: a 10% discount on produce & plants purchased from us at market or on-farm. This creates another opportunity to show our appreciation for folks' steadfast & continued support of our farming, as well as widen the circle of community more than we can with just the full CSA membership. The 10% discount does not apply to CSA membership,s fall boxes, eggs or meat. Just plants & produce. Ask if you have questions!
- Hands-on & a place: Come visit animals, weed, picnic, enjoy the view, watch birds…
- Annual Spring Meeting: Meet, greet & peek at the season and self-tour the farm!
- Field days, potlucks & events: Field work & potlucks in April, May, June & July & August. We often host field /work days outside of these months...we'll keep folks posted as things are planned.
- Newsletter: A lovely newsletter weekly by e-mail during the Summer Share season with news, recipes & more. See a sample newsletter.
- Lending library: Cooking & gardening, farming & related books from our collection for borrowing.